This is the front yard today. Flowers and fruit trees are growing in nicely. The lighter wood chips are courtesy of the trees we chopped down. The big pumpkin vine is gone, thank god (more on that below). And we'll see how it holds up when the cold weather sets in. Keep it poppin' boys, it's gonna be a long one I think.

Last weekend I ripped up all of the summer squash, zucchini, most of the peppers, sweet peas...anything that looked tore up from the floor up, which was everything practically except for the tomatoes which are now on their last legs and the perennial rhubarb which we can't harvest until next year. I have planted onions, potatoes, leeks, garlic and kale in their place...we'll see how it goes! Threw some manure and mulch down but didn't give it a ton of thought...the story of my life.

The eagle eyed Jane's blog reader will notice that the large pumpkin vine is gone and it's in place are 3 strategically placed pumpkins. The fruits of the pumpkin vine's labor on display early for Halloween and grown by us, not Fred Meyer. We'll carve one and I wanna cook stuff with the others (soups, pies...we gonna make it rain pumpkin up in this b.i.-itch). Also, the big shrubs are gone in front of the house. Another one of Colin's manic urges that I'm actually very happy with!

The tomatoes are basically done. I don't think these are gonna get ripe, it's getting to cold. Most likely i'll pull them this weekend. The good news is that I came across a canning recipe for green tomato relish (with sweet peppers, onions, cabbage and celery seed) that is damn good and Colin downs the stuff straight so the green ones won't go to waste and last us in to the winter (maybe). This was not a warm summmer, i think all said and done we did better with our tomatoes than most. It just wasn't a banner year for summer crops. Oh well, Mother Nature makes the rules, not me...whatever, i'll have to see what I can do about that.