I have just registered for my first Marathon. It's at the site of my first half marathon and it was an amazing experience shared with Jelly, so there is good mojo...and it's an amazingly pretty trail run. So maybe I'll be able to trick my body in to completing it, we'll see. June 2nd, damn.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Andre 3000 Talks Veggies
identity ink: Andre 3000 Talks Veggies: Andre 3000 doesn't appear to be too concerned with music. But that hasn't stopped the Outkast member from dabbling in a myriad of other in...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Weather Weirdness
We started the week here in Corvallis with a snow storm and ended it with major flooding, so much that Benton County was (and may still be, not sure) declared a disaster area. Some parts of South Corvallis and Albany were hit pretty hard based on what I've seen but the Scio area, where I ran a 1/2 marathon aptly called "The Roaring River 1/2 Marathon" remained above ground for the most part. I have no idea where I really was, though...there were lots of fields and farms and not much else other than rain. I clocked in at 2:05, my best yet....I was motivated by natural disaster movie scenes playing in my head, particularly that Jake Gyllenhall (sp) movie where New York freezes and he has to live in the library but fortunately the hot chick he likes is there too. That and goth music like this Tones on Tail song got me through. Also, "Moves Like Jagger" on mile 12 kept it live. Hey, whatever it takes:
Friday, January 13, 2012
Kavinsky + Gosling = me likey (off topic post)
What can I say, the avian flu known as Gosling has infected me. I had built up my resistance but this just did me in...damn! Obsessed with this song.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A Run Up Dimple Set to Skrillex (off topic post)
I must have listened to this Skrillex song called appropriately "Summit" about 20 times in a row during my 13 miler yesterday and since then. It's like a ringtone, but in a good way. Lots of debate about Skrillex (the comments in this New York Mag piece are amazing) but good or bad, I like any song that I can zone to.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Meyer Lemon Tree blues
I have been reticent to post about my lemon tree but it's time I just let the truth come out. I am the Susan Smith, the Scott Peterson, the.....well, just a really bad parent to my second child, the meyer lemon tree. You may recall I referred to my lemon tree as my second child and I truly love(d) it. But love apparently is not going to make it come back from the grave. I killed it. I left it out one night back in Sept. when it was sunny all day, warm and lovely. We had house guests, however, and I was distracted. I left it out over night, and it got too cold outside. All it takes is a few hours below 32 degrees and apparently the angel of citrus death swoops in. It lost almost all of it's leaves within a week...it still has a few little unripened fruits on but it never releafed. It looks like a sad little Charlie Brown Christmas tree.It may still come back to life but I can't bear the day to day uncertainty...so I did something that you can do with lemon trees much easier than with people. I bought a new one! It's smaller, but it's blossoming so it'll give us that wonderful smell in the house during the doldrums of winter, and hopefully grow to have a happy,productive and long life. And hopefully I won't kill it.
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