Sunday, April 8, 2012

Early Spring update

Anton and I planted 10 raspberry canes today in the side yard. And lots of action in the front yard and veggie garden. Spring is springing! I have decided to only plant things I know we'll eat in the veggie garden, no more experiments, so there will be lots of onions, garlic, kale, tomatoes and peas! Oh and cucumbers, zucchinis...wait, this is getting more complicated. Too soon to think about that today, I'll think about that tomorrow.


  1. I volunteer to take extra veggies off your hands. Especially zucchini. I like making zucchini bread!

  2. I just found a recipe for zucchini fries...takes away all health value and sounds DELISH! You'll be in there like swim wear, mama. Few months to go, though...
