Thursday, August 30, 2012

Late August garden update

This was the month...nonstop tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, peppers, garlic, onions, herbs, berries, grapes...I haven't done any produce shopping except for a few peaches. Haven't even gone to the farmers market at all this need! I have frozen one batch of oven dried tomatoes referenced in this video. Those will come in handy for sauces when the weather gets cold. If you add them to canned tomatoes it gives that added kick without needing to use paste. I hope September continues the garden feast but i already feel it getting colder. Maybe they'll be another hot streak though and the tomatoes will keep going strong...i REALLY hope so. They have so much more to give!

One project I need to do this month is pull up the strawberry bed and get the soil right. Then replant in the Spring. They are old and dying I think...wasn't happy with the crop this year.

It's too soon to talk about my plans for winterizing the veggie garden. I'll do that in my late September update. Nail biter, I know!

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