I haven't posted since April? Heavens me! I guess I have been busy...but the gardens (veggie, herb and assorted flower) are all doing well. Only negative to report besides the usual slugs and weeds that make a gardener work for it are DEER. The deer have grown some major balls (or ovaries as the case may be) and are jumping our wall without fear of retribution. I am thinking of putting in some lights or sprinklers if it gets out of hand.
Some of these pix are from May and some are from the last few days which helps me (and you my dedicated reader or two) track the amazing progress of nature and fertilizer. So without further ado, here are some garden highlights. Tell me this isn't better than the World Cup, yeah right:
The veggie garden in early May right after planting the tomato plants that were started from seed (!) ...that row in the middle is them THEN. |
Rhubarb has been going strong since early May and still continues to! |
This is the third rhubard pie I've made, each different, each an experiment. Anton is a big fan of rhubarb which I would not have guessed. |
The fava bean harvest from May...great crop this year! |
The dahlias after being harnessed to their device for upward growth in May. |
The dahlias in mid-June...still staying upright but by next month it's anyone's guess. They have a mind of their own. |
The front garden in May...I love it when the moss blooms those little white flowers. Only lasts a couple of weeks but makes me feel like Alice in Wonderland when I walk on it *squee!* |
The front walk today...Nasturtium, Columbine and Lupine are going nuts! |
The deer have made their mark on the apple tree and strawberries (not pictured) but so far we are hanging in there. |
These are all volunteers in the front yard...no idea what they are but I am happy they decided to show up! |
This is another view of the tomato starts that were planted from seed right after they made their permanent home in the soil surrounded by onions, garlic, peas and rhubarb. |
The snow pea harvest this year has been off the chain...I just picked another giant bowl of the, and they keep on coming! |
they even broke their stakes so I have made new tee pee thingies for them. |
The first jalapenos are almost ready. |
several of the tomatoes have small fruits already, booya! |
This is the lollipop kale which the thoughtful Fruits of My Labor reader my recall I purchased from seed via the internet several months ago because it's the new trendy veggie and not yet available in garden stores. Doing good so far but I don't really see the "lollipop-ness". |
Going to try growing the cukes and zukes on this trellis so that the fruit hangs down vs. sitting in the dirt...this may totally fail, we'll see! |
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