Monday, February 23, 2015

Late Winter/Early Spring 2015

This February in Corvallis, OR has been kind of unreal. Lots of sun, temps above 60degrees at least a few times and the burning desire to get out and garden waaaay earlier than you normally would. Is it global warming? Possibly! But at the moment it feels awesome. #YOLO

I really got in to weeding earlier in the month, obsessive, OCD weeding.. I go in to a meditative state sometimes when I'm weeding. Some people do Oprah's 30 day meditation challenge, I weed.  Then I purchased 3 yards of mulch and several big rocks to place in the front yard. My back is paying the price currently and I have already made an acupuncture appointment...but the joy of spending time digging in the warm dirt and soaking up the sun has made the hard labor and back pain worth it (for the most part). Here's the latest...things are changing by the minute, though!!! I would imagine another update will be needed within a month. Here's hoping we don't have a cold snap between now and then.

Herb garden avec toes. From l to r: toes, rosemary, oregano, fennel, thyme, sage, chives.

Daffodils e'erywheeerrr.

I am planting lots of more flowers from seed this year (Marigolds, Zinnias, Love in a Mist, Love Lies Bleeding...any flower with a gothy love name). Also herbs that didn't survive the winter (dill and thyme). The oregano, chives, fennel and sage stayed alive all winter. The sprout in the big green container is a blue fairytale pumpkin. I have high hopes for it this Fall

Here my latest unfinished project in the front yard. Planted another lemon pin and 2 of these cactus-y pines. And some ornamental rocks because why not? The long term goal here is to make this garden colorful all year long (hence the evergreens) as well as low maintenance (someday!). Check out the last of last years kale in the's about to bye bye to make way for fresh starts!

I'm realizing some of these rocks look a little like grave stones but maybe that's not a bad thing? Camelia tree still going strong...too strong.

It may not look sexy but I am very proud of the fact that I finally weeded the front walk, gave the lavender a haircut and planted Love In The Mist flower seeds in between them (Anton helped a lot). Here's hoping they grow!!!

Just put peas in the ground here on the left then, some random spinach and swiss chard. The garlic, shallots and favas I planted in the Fall are looking really good. I have to resist the urge to pull a couple of them now. It's just too nice out and they look so good!

I had to give our Clematis' a major fro chop. We may not get any flowers this year but it was needed and will grow back stronger next year I'm told.