Thursday, March 8, 2012

Corvallis Rock Garden

It's almost Spring in Corvallis. The days are getting longer, the sun a little brighter, though warmth is still not very common. Today is lovely, though!
My project for the weekend, rain or shine, is to remove the grass from another patch in the front yard and make a rock garden with some pretty aquamarine rocks I procured from Pacific Stone-something or other place on Hwy 34. I will plant lettuce and other attractive spring greens. It will be just fantastic even if no one else can see my vision right now.

I also purchased 2 columnar "snake river" stones for decoration but Colin is concerned that a kid will knock them over in their current location and we will be labeled and unsafe garden stone owners and be banished from the neighborhood. So they will be relocated...but I am excited nonetheless for the new shape our front yard is taking.

I also snapped some pics recently from around Corvallis. This town is funny...I've always known this. But running around the streets and looking more closely than i used to (garden snooping mainly) i've noticed some extra special things documented in this video:

1 comment:

  1. One thing your video didn't show is where your couple mill are buried in the yard. Probably wise of you!
