Friday, August 31, 2012

Best Recipe Ever: for glossy hair

I have to post this because it's so amazing I don't ever want to forget. Mix this stuff together, massage it in to hair and scalp thoroughly then wrap head in warm towel and let sit for 30min. Rinse/wash hair. Your hair will be super shiny and revived! Swimming has been causing me some hair trauma but with this potion I'll be all set.
2 tbs grapeseed oil
2 tbs olive oil
2 tbs rum (!!)
1 egg yolk

As Drake would say...thank me later.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Let's have homemade spa day/Bison grass vodka day tomorrow. I might be getting there towards the afternoon. Booty Bassment doesn't START until 11 pm. What have I gotten myself into???
