Friday, April 22, 2016

Spring Garden update 2016

 We have had a very warm and luxurious Spring so far in Oregon. I planted tomatoes in early April...and they are thriving. That said, it's going to get down to 39 this weekend so I'm going to put a little blankey on them. I refuse to back down now! Favas, garlic and onions doing well though I need to rethink how I plan onions thanks to a tip from my garden saavy neighbor, Ben. (TRENCHES...seperate the bulbs!) Weeding constantly, my Sit N' Do has been really handy...been doing a lot of sitting and doing. Fortunately, OCD weeding of gardens is one of my favorite hobbies! Have a feeling this is going to be a bountiful year for the garden.

Front yard apple tree blossoming in the sun.

This artichoke plant has a mind of its own. I think it volunteered in this spot by our driveway. I never do anything to it or even harvest the chokes because I think they look pretty when they flower. It just keeps doing it's thang.

It's always exciting when you see the first spring of new dahlias starting to emerge. These popped up last week.

The favas are about a foot taller than when I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing how they blast out of the ground as it warms up in April/May.

Anton and Colin hammer fertilizer stakes in the evergreen and fruit trees.

Garlic, baby.

Herb garden. The flat leaf parsley is bolting but I'm trying to contain it. Fennel, sage, thyme, oregano, dill and chives all doing what they need to do. I love how I have chives year round...those chives refuse to leave, it has been years and they are still pungent and delicious.

House. Dogs.

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I have really been please with this new idea of potted evergreens and annuals in the front yard. I think it really adds texture to a flat and hard to fill space. That's the lemon evergreen that almost died...we replanted it in a pot in the backyard for the last year and it totally recovered and is ready to be front and center again!

Tomato, planted mid-April.
Sedum/ Succulents
Bulb fennel. Trying it for the first time in the front yard with kale.
Psychedelic colors.

getting ready to load up the backyard with zinnias and dill.

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