Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mid-July Garden update

This morning I bounced out of bed and threw on my overalls and gloves, marched out of the door and started WEEDING. I can't believe how out of control the front yard gets if you don't stay on top of it. I'm an after work and weekend gardener, not having the luxury of fussing over it day and given my heavy workload recently, the weeds were really outta hand. In the end the entire yard debris bin and another giant tarp were filled with the results of my weeding frenzy. Also installed a new dripper hose. On that exciting note, here are the photos!

Those things hanging there are plums (get your mind out of the gutter). And in the distance is the new dripper and lots of weeding results.

Shallots curing in the sun.

We transplanted these strawberries from an old location that now houses succulents, they were dying due to too much heat and not enough water. But now they are in full effect...Anton ate them off the vine for breakfast. Killing two birds with one stone, rad!
These succulents live where the strawberries used to. Even they are struggling with the heat but I gave them a good soaking and weeding today. I think they will be fine.

These weeds I kept, they look kinda cool...and look at the cute cabbages that volunteered next to them!

Anton holding the first cucumber of the year! I don't have photo evidence but he also ate the first ripe tomato of the year a few days ago!

Elephant garlic curing. More where that came from...which I still need to pull.

Rhubarb explosion. I ended up freezing a bunch. There is still more out there but I gave it a big haircut to make room for the zucchini and cukes.

I think these are my favorites of the dahlias this year. BTW I will have tons of tubers when the season is over...need to split them up, they are going way too nutz.

The cucumbers are doing great this year...keep 'em comin!

Pleased to report my experiment in having the cukes and zuchs grow on a trellis is they aren't laying in the dirt, they hang!

We are about to experience tomato overload.

We are already experiencing pepper overload. I have a recipe for pepper hummus that sounds promising but am starting to get worried. I don't want them to go to waste!


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