Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Run Up Dimple Set to Skrillex (off topic post)

I must have listened to this Skrillex song called appropriately "Summit" about 20 times in a row during my 13 miler yesterday and since then. It's like a ringtone, but in a good way. Lots of debate about Skrillex (the comments in this New York Mag piece are amazing) but good or bad, I like any song that I can zone to.


  1. I like the video. Well done, Jane Gondry! Also, you are getting me re-inspired to run. Been having some low motivation but you made me remember that post-run chill that I haven't felt for awhile. My hero!

  2. i just learned you can scroll down in movie maker and there are all these other effects. Dude, I'm so dude! the yin-yang sign at 3:40 was totally planned too...preparing my Best Original Post Modern Musical Short Oscar acceptance speech now.
